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Thunderbird Message Filter Backup and Synchronization

Understanding Message Filters

Thunderbird stores message filters in account directories. Each filter is saved in an msgFilterRulesdat file. These filters determine how incoming messages are handled, such as moving them to specific folders or marking them as read.

Backing Up Filters

To back up your filters, locate the msgFilterRulesdat file in the account directory. You can find this file by using a text editor or by navigating to the account's directory in Thunderbird's profile folder. Copy the file to a safe location.

Duplicating Filters

To duplicate filters between Thunderbird profiles, simply copy the msgFilterRulesdat file from one profile's account directory to another. This will import all filters from the source account into the destination account.

Synchronizing Filters

For ongoing synchronization between multiple Thunderbird profiles, you can use a synchronization tool such as Dropbox or Google Drive. Create a shared folder for the msgFilterRulesdat files and store them there. Whenever you make changes to filters in one profile, simply update the file in the shared folder. The other profiles will automatically load the updated file upon startup.


If you encounter issues with message filters, such as filters not working or disappearing, try the following: * Ensure that the msgFilterRulesdat file is present in the account directory. * Verify that the file contains the correct filter rules. * Check if Thunderbird is configured to read the file.
